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Riley Blake Little Swan Collection Fat Quarters



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Little Swan by Sandra Nygård-Parthoens of Little Forest Atelier for Riley Blake Designs is great for quilting, crafting, dressmaking and home decor.

Sandra Nygård-Parthoens – “got the inspiration for Little Swan a long time ago when I was watching all the swans flying over our house as they returned here up north after winter. They always rest in the fields close to our house on their journey, and as you watch them arrive you know that spring is really on its way. It will still take some time before they arrive, so I’ll just watch them on my prints until then.”

This bundle comprises of 6 fat quarters. Fat quarters are great for all manner of sewing projects and quilt making. Why not take a look at some of my fat quarter sewing patterns?

Each fat quarter measures 50 x 55 cm.

100% cotton.

Cool wash.

Fabric Brand

Riley Blake

Fabric Type


Fabric Colour

Blue & Green, Pink & Red

Sewing Gifts And Accessories

Fat Quarters